
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

International Network Against Cyber Hate

As I'm getting ready to give a presentation tomorrow at ICTE called "Hate Online & Global Responses," (also chapter 6 in the book), I thought I would post about the International Network Against Cyber Hate (and added the link to the list on the right).

The INACH was founded in Amsterdam in 2002, and includes member organizations from Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Poland, and the U.S. Candidate members (not sure what that means) include Slovakia, Sweden, Canada and the UK.

A little about the organization, from the mission statement:

"INACH tries to reach its goals by (amongst other things):

-uniting organisations fighting against cyber hate

-exchanging information to enhance effectivity of such organisations

-lobbying for international legislation to combat discrimination on Internet

-support groups and institutions who want to set up a complaints bureau

-create awareness and promote attitude change about discrimination on the internet by giving information, education

-to start and maintain the website for the network and

-by any other means that are helpful to reach the goal.

Unfortunately, the web site seems to be fallow. There is evidence of a conference organized in 2002, but no sign of updates or activities since then. I've sent an email to the contact listed on the site to inquire about current activities. I'll post what I find out.